This Little Light of Mind (with music links)

We all have a light inside of us.

Sometimes we are aware of our light and how to let it shine; sometimes, we forget. Many of us have heard this cute little song as children, “This little light of mine, I am going to let it shine…” There are many versions of it too. This little song has been used in countless ways and places for various reasons.

Before we look at each need and how we might let our light shine, let me share this version of the cute little tune with a wonderful introduction about our power. We have more power than we realize in all areas of our lives. As we grow and learn, we can shine our light and use what we are gaining in our own life, and then help others by holding a light so they can find their truths, strength, and joy. Our light can ignite theirs again if the spark inside of them has gotten low. Our light never goes out, at least not “on this side of the dirt,” but it can get dim. Our light can help ourselves and others.

Here is a beautiful gift about our power and our light:

Listen to this:

We know we need to be alive to let our light shine. But for some of us, Staying Alive is not easy. Staying Alive means caring for our bodies and doing all we can to remain healthy. But remember, staying alive includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. We get to choose how we stay alive, which leads to our freedom and boundaries.

What freedoms do we have in our lives, and what do we want? Do we have the freedom to choose what to eat, where to sleep, and how we want to live? Do we have disordered eating habits or addictions that take our freedom away? Do we need help in setting boundaries? Can we shine a light on our boundaries and adjust them as needed? Our light can help us, help ourselves. We can create lives with more freedom and healthy boundaries.

We can learn to shed light in our own hearts and see what is truly there. Sometimes, we forget that there is light inside of us. Sometimes loving ourselves is difficult due to lessons we learned along the way. The truth is, we are lovable. We are loving. We can grow into loving ourselves more and more. We can find Love and Belonging in ourselves and those around us as we let our light shine. Our light can bring peace, joy, and love. We can discover where we belong.

Our light can lead the way to new adventures! We can bring joy and laughter with our light and be happy. We can share the goodness we find in ourselves with others. Joy and laughter make all the other needs more doable at times. Who knew “This little light of Mine” was so powerful!

Here are some fun versions of this little tune. We can make up our own too. ENJOY!


A light bulb:

Dancing children:

This Little Light of Mine by Vancouver Island Soul Choir:

Let’s explore each need and think about ways to let our lights shine. If we discover ways we need to change, we can do that too!

Remember: These blogs ae not intended for any type of therapy or advice. These blogs are strickly for eduction and encouragement. If you are suffering and need to talk with someone, please call 988. If this is an emergency, you can call you doctor or go to the local hospital to get help. If you are seeking counseling, look at Psychology Today and reach out. You are worth the effort. Please take care of YOU.