Summertime is a good time to explore

Summertime is a good time to explore the landscape of our lives.

What a beautiful day it is here today. The sun is shining, the air is clear again, and the heat is warming everything. The rains came a day ago, and some flowers are showing us their beauty. Nothing is better than a lazy summer day, except a summer evening with fireflies twinkling at night. What a perfect sight. What joy to see these little lights in the fields and in the yards. They are like magic to me.

Whatever the weather is in your area, whatever time of year it is now, we can take a minute to breathe, identify what we are thankful for today, and smile. Smiling helps us, really. It feeds our hearts. Sometimes, simple things like smiling and purposefully noticing our breathing gives us life and joy. We get so busy at times that we forget. No problem, we can remember and begin again. Right now. Right here. Now.

Now is a good time.

The same is true with each of The 5 Needs we share in life. We may go along and not think about Staying Alive until we get sick. We may not even consider what a gift it is to feel loved and have a sense of belonging until we find ourselves alone and isolated. We may not appreciate our freedom or boundaries until we wake up one day and find ourselves lost in an addiction of some type and realize we have lost or given up our freedom, or maybe we wake up and admit to ourselves the need to re-establish some boundaries in a relationship. Perhaps we feel powerless in our lives and are willing to take responsibility for our power to make a difference for ourselves and others and know this is the time to make some changes. Maybe we find ourselves down in the dumps and realize we have not had any fun in so long, and we do not even know what we want to do for fun anymore.

Give a little attention now and possibly save some suffering later.

Yes, The 5 Needs in our lives need some attention now and then. Sometimes we go about life, meeting our needs with no pressure, and we feel joy, health, connection, peace, and have some understanding and even wisdom in our daily lives. We can see that The 5 Needs are being met without much trouble. We have incorporated the awareness of the needs in our life in such a way that it is natural now. Sure, we need “tune-ups” just like our cars, but overall, we’ve got this! Keeping an eye on things will help up in a balanced place too.  Now may be the time we can begin to share what we know with others who could benefit.

Summertime can be a wonderful time to explore the landscape of our life. Where are we, and what do we need or want to adjust, tweak, or change? Today is a good day to think about these things. Just remember, this is a no-judgment zone! Just look, explore, and identify what you may want to focus on and do it. Get help if needed. Just be sure to take care of yourself.

Enjoy our journey in this life. Get to know you. Be you. Stay in a state of “Being and Becoming.”


Please note: All of our blogs are intended for educational purposes only. These are not intended as “advice” or any form of therapeutic intervention. Please get in touch with your doctor or local mental health office for help with individual problems or concerns. You may also call 988 to speak with a person. Seeking help through www.Psychologytoday.commay be helpful too. You matter. Help and hope are there for you.