Oh, What a Beautiful Morning (and song)

Oh, what a beautiful morning! This morning, as I look out of my window, the skies are soft and pink, and I see the sun rising; there is blue and white and peace everywhere—such a gift. Not everyone will see this beauty today. Some are unable to see it even if their vision is perfect. Some are in areas of storms, wars, and difficulties that distract them from seeing. This does not negate the fact that right here, right now, this is a beautiful morning for me.

Here is the song: “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.” Maybe this is new to you, or maybe it is in an old memory. This is from Oklahoma! (1955).


Sometimes we forget that we are in the now, in the present, right here, right now. We are busy in our heads being anywhere but here. We can change. Let’s notice where we are today. Let’s start simple.  Noticing how we feel is a start. We can notice how we are doing with the need to “Stay Alive” easily. That does not mean we are saying it is easy to stay alive or not; we can notice. Notice how we feel. What do we have to eat? What can we wear today? Do we have a place to sleep? Do we have a job to help us meet our basic survival needs of food, water, shelter, and clothing?

The song reminds us to notice. “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.” Let’s be sure to see the beauty when we can. When we can’t, maybe the “deposits” of beauty we have put in ourselves will sustain us. Maybe we will remember in the darker time, the light and life we saw on different days.

Sometimes the weight of everything hinders us from seeing what is before us, and if we stop and pause, we are better off. Staying alive is more than the basics if we want to live fully. Love and belonging are an important part of living fully and all the other needs. We need freedom and boundaries, power and fun, too, if we will live fully. But if we go back to this moment, “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,” we can begin each day fresh.

What we choose to see, what we stop to see, and what we acknowledge can help us have more power in our life, more freedom, and even help us with boundaries. We can even discover the fun in unexpected places when we can stop and see.

Sometimes, we want to see the beauty, but we can’t yet. We can pause, we can get help, and we can see in time. If our world is dark or we carry a heavy burden, we can get help. Life is a journey. Knowing where we are and training ourselves to be aware can help us experience life differently. When we go along, unaware, we miss a great deal inside of ourselves and outside around us too.

We may discover something new today. We can be there for someone else. Perhaps we will have joy today that we didn’t expect. Maybe sorrow will come our way, and we will be better able to deal with it and have wisdom and grace. We never know what will happen, but when we can practice being more and more aware of where we are now, it can help us throughout our journey.

And the Lyrics from: https://www.scoutsongs.com/lyrics/beautifulmorning.html

Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’

Music by Richard Rodgers, lyric by Oscar Hammerstein II
Copyright © 1943 by Williamson Music
Copyright Renewed.
International Copyright Secured

There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow,
There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow,
The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye,
An’ it looks like its climbin’ clear up to the sky.

Oh what a beautiful morning,
Oh what a beautiful day,
I’ve got a wonderful feeling,
Everything’s going my way.

Repeat chorus

All the cattle are standing like statues,
All the cattle are standing like statues,
They don’t turn their heads as they see me ride by.
But a little brown mav’rick is winking her eye.

Repeat chorus

All the sounds of the earth are like music,
All the sounds of the earth are like music,
The breeze is so busy it don’t miss a tree,
And an ol’ Weepin’ Willer is laughin’ at me.

Repeat chorus


Please remember: If you need to speak with someone now, call 988 for emergencies, call your doctor, or go to the hospital. Nothing on this site or blog is meant for “therapy,” and there is nothing written with the intention of “giving advice” to anyone. Instead, these blogs, musings, thoughts, and ideas are to ponder and consider for entertainment and education. If you want more information on The 5 Needs and how you might be able to use this in your work, feel free to reach out to me at: 540-385-4082 or email me at wendyswenson@proton.me .