Life Hacks

What are your life hacks?

“Life Hacks” are strategies to make life more manageable and help us be more efficient.

Most of us have some life hacks or daily habits that we use automatically. This may be a little thing we do to get through the day or to help us along our way. For some folks it’s doing daily journaling, or maybe affirmations. Others read scriptures or other spiritual readings, some people do meditation, some have a morning routine of getting out for a walk daily. For others, it could be that cup of tea or coffee. Every now and then, it is good to stop and take notice:

What are our daily hacks and are they working for us now?

We’re all usually doing the best we can in each given situation. Our best may mean we’re totally unorganized today but we’re doing the best we can today; some days are just like that for all of us. We can improve and our best can become different than what we are doing now.

Does “doing the best we can” give us permission to slack off or be lazy?

Nope. Doing the best we can does not mean we don’t have to tighten up and get ourselves a bit more organized, but judging ourselves and condemning ourselves is not going to help. Criticism is not helpful. Being real, maybe taking time to look at what we want to do different and thing about how we can, that may help. We may also need an accountability partner or help from coach. We can be kind to ourselves without thinking we are just being lazy. We can make changes so the best we do another day will look more like we want our life to look.

Being aware that we’re having an “off day” can be a form of self-compassion. We are just being honest. Some days are just not our best. We may feel we failed, but even then, we often did the best we could, given it was an “off day,” and we can grow from that too. Being hateful or unkind to ourselves is hurtful, harmful and keep us stuck more than motivate us.

The difference is huge. The impact is also impressive.

 When we take the compassionate route and understanding that we are just not on our game today and we can fix it, we give ourselves hope and a bit of peace. If we choose the other route and condemn ourselves and put ourselves down and judge ourselves unmercifully, our bodies will react to the stress and all that comes with that. Many of us know that route far too well. We can change.

Change can start with our life hacks. What might we want to do?

One healthy life hack might be getting up for a walk in the morning. This can be helpful and yet can also take structure, organization, and a bit of discipline.

Having a walking partner is incredibly helpful. Many years ago, I had a neighbor who I walked with and it made such a positive impact in my life. I miss her. Now we live thousands of miles apart, but she still is in my heart.

Walking solo is also an option. Sometimes it’s a great time to listen to music or a podcast. Other times, it is the perfect time to listen, observe and be aware of nature. We can even use walking as a meditation and prayer time.

Becoming aware take practice.

Life is delightful when we don’t judge ourselves for not walking too far, or not walking fast enough, but give ourselves credit because we did it. Acknowledging that we took the time to take a little bit of space for ourselves is important. Sometimes we forget to give ourselves credit for what we’re doing right.

Sometimes we’re not even aware of what we’re doing, let alone what we’re doing right or wrong, so learning to be aware is another good life hack. Becoming aware of ourselves in our surroundings sounds simple, but just like meeting each of the five needs in life, it’s not always so simple.

Just for today (and maybe tomorrow too).

Today try noticing what you’re doing when you’re eating or when you’re walking or even when you’re sitting. We are so conditioned to just go through the motions and often do more than one thing at a time and we are just not aware of ourselves or our surroundings at all.

The beautiful truth is we can change.

We’re never stuck in a rut that can’t be undone. We can change our thoughts, we can change our actions, and we can change our words. Let’s start by just being more aware of ourselves and what life hacks we use.

Life is such a gift. Not everyone that woke up today is able to do what they would like to do. Some folks woke up sick, and their life hack may be just to breathe and survive one more day. When we can do more, when we know more, we can act on those things.

Some people woke up after a restless night’s sleep and they’re exhausted. The life hack for them today may be to just try to maintain the basics that need to be done, and find some peace and take a nap if possible.

Some of us woke up feeling pretty darn good. Feeling alive, healthy and, have a full day ahead to do the things we need and want to do, and our life hack may be to be aware and to be grateful.

It’s a wonderful thing that we are each on our own journey and if we need a helping hand we can reach out and find one, or we can reach out and be one. We may be just the gift, the person, the encouragement someone else needs today. We can be that for ourselves and for others.

Let’s check out what we do to make our lives work better and do more of that.





All of the blogs on this site are meant for education and encouragement.

 The blogs are not intended as “advice” or any “therapeutic intervention.”

Please reach out if you need help: contact your doctor, school counselors,

or local mental health services. 

We also have a national hot-line if you have self-harm thoughts, please call 988 and speak with someone. Your life matters. YOU MATTER.


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