Let’s Catch Those Micro-moments

A walk in the park: Little Words and Meeting All 5 Needs Easily

A day that was just normal turned into a sweet lesson from observations. Here is how it went: I spoke to a stranger a girl just doing her thing.

“You really inspired me doing your workout.”


“Yes, I saw you doing your workout over by your van and it really inspired me.”

And off we went in different directions getting our own walks in, little words exchanged as we passed by each other. This was not time to stop and tell her all the ways she inspired me because we were both out on our journey, doing our own thing, trying to stay healthy and stay alive. But to see the smile on her face and hear her say “Wow, thank you.” Was a delight.


As we passed each other on the trail again, each having picked up our speed and walking quickly, enjoying our time, I simply said to her with a smile,

“Good job! Keep up the good work.”

She smiled and said back with the biggest grin on her face,

“You made me feel like a million bucks!”

 I smiled and said “good” as we each kept moving.

It is the little stuff of life that can make a big difference. Simple yet empowering words for each of us were shared. Smiles that were also encouraging. Can’t get much smaller than those.

Sometimes we miss opportunities for the small stuff. We can change that and become more aware. What a gift to ourselves and to others.

This young woman appeared to be making a video of herself while working out with some easy cardio before she began her walk. I was simply observing and noticing and encouraging her. Simple little words that were good for both of us. Easy. Big differences.

Life is often easier than we make it. Sometimes we overdo the worry, we miss the little stuff, and we miss joy. Joy is part of staying alive if we want to live and not only survive.

I really believe in the power of little words and small acts.

We can make somebody’s day in ways we cannot even imagine by simply speaking a truthful word to them and encouraging them on their way. Of course, the other side is true we can hurt people deeply with little words when they perceive them to mean, maybe something that we didn’t even intend.

The truth is we do make a difference in people’s lives more than we realize. This is one way we have powerthat we sometimes forget about in our daily life.

I believe in being honest too. We don’t need to make up stuff, pretend or try to be funny; truths that are powerful are what makes the difference. This young woman did inspire me. She inspired and encouraged me to follow my own dreams like I am doing now. She showed me in her own way, just do your own thing. Don’t worry what others think, by her actions.

 There she was, she just pulled into the parking lot, set up her phone in the back of her van, began doing the cardio experiences, and seemingly recording it too. Others were walking behind her, some looking at her, others ignoring her, and then there was me in the car observing her and the others. She was focused doing her thing, whatever that was, it was right for her. She was following her dream.

Did she post the video? I have no idea.

Was it just for herself and to help herself or others? I really do not know.

What I do know is I was encouraged and inspired and wanted to thank her and give some encouragement back to her. I believe I did too. It was a win-win.

Being aware and alert, when we are out and about doing our daily activities, picking up children, going to the store, or being at our kitchen table, looking for the right words to encourage others while speaking with them, can be a gift to both us and to them.

Have you heard the saying, “What we give out we get back.” It’s often true. It is a lovely thing to notice the small things, the words, the acts of kindness in our life. Enjoy seeing some today for yourself.

All of the blogs on this site are meant for education and encouragement.

 The blogs are not intended as “advice” or any “therapeutic intervention.”

Please reach out if you need help: contact your doctor, school counselors,

or local mental health services. 

We also have a national hot-line if you have self-harm thoughts, please call 988 and speak with someone. Your life matters. YOU MATTER.

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