What type of group are YOU going to Lead?
There are so many types of groups. Wherever two or more are gathered can be considered a group.
People who facilitate groups are as different as the groups that are offered. Some have doctoral degrees, some have almost no education related to groups, but the task is “part of the job.”
The 5 Needs materials can be useful as a framework for the group, giving guidance and a structure while also providing a great deal of flexibility. However, if your group is one where folks just come to talk about anything, you don’t need a structured plan, framework or any guidance. In this case, The 5 Needs can be something you may want to have in “your back pocket” and incorporate into your group as needed.
Sometimes you can help connect behaviors or attitudes with one or more of The 5 Needs and show the connection of how meeting the needs in healthy ways can influence and impact our life and the lives of others. This can also help bring some compassion, less judgment and more empathy towards ourselves and others. Becoming aware of The 5 Needs in life for your own use can be helpful in the work you are doing.
Please be careful using The 5 Needs in your work. The needs are basic and simple, yet complex and delve into some deep history that may require the need for individual professionals to help outside of the group. You know the group and the members individually, so be alert.
The workbooks can be used as a guide, as homework, as projects to complete together, or alone, and then for discussion in the group. Expressive arts, including music, dance and drama can also been used within the group while using The 5 Needs. The group members can purchase workbooks or not. Sometimes organizations can obtain grants to pay for the workbooks. Sometimes you can create activities as you go so that the participants have something to help them recall what was learned in the groups.
There is joy in learning together. There is power in normalizing life, of course, not belittling what the problems are, but perhaps looking at them from a different perspective. There is freedom in discovering issues that really need more attention, and taking the time to explore these privately or sometimes within the group, can help with healing, recovery and growth.
Working through any of the workbooks for yourself can be helpful. You will know first-hand what it is like to look at The 5 Needs and what it can stir up, so you will better be able to talk it through. We are all human; we each meet our needs differently. We each have our specific experiences to share and learn as we grow.
The 5 Needs have been used in groups with children, teens, and moms through:
- Elementary schools
- Truancy Prevention Programs
- Friendship Groups
- Bully Prevention Groups
- Middle Schools/”seminar classes”
- High Schools/Summer programs for enrichment
- Job Training Groups/classes
- Summer camps for “at risk children”
- Mom’s groups
Training for counselors, school staff, social work groups and “opt out training” in school systems have been done in group settings also.
Feel free to contact wendy@the5needs.com to explore ideas for your group. You can email her for consultations, or help with developing group materials for your use.