Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Mrs. Melton, an excellent school counselor and former teacher with a deep understanding of students explains how she used The 5 Needs in Life to help both students and teachers:
The 5 Needs was an excellent resource for me as an elementary school counselor. Some elementary students have difficulty making and keeping friends. They definitely benefited from learning more about themselves in The 5 Needs. Once they understood what it was they needed, they were better able to understand the needs of their friends.
I recommend The 5 Needs because it is so versatile. It can be used with different grade levels and different groups. The 5 Needs worked well with Friendship Groups; however, I believe it could be incorporated in other groups, such as Divorce, Social Skills, Anger/Behavior Management and even Peer Mediation Training. The 5 Needs Groups worked well for students in 2nd-5th grades who needed a small group for different issues because it offered direction to groups that lacked a specific theme.
The students responded well to the program because it pertained to real life. Students became excited when they were able to make connections to each of The 5 Needs. Many were motivated to use their imaginations and talents to expand on their learning. When students were interested in teaching their friends what they had learned from The 5 Needs I knew the groups were a success.
Debbie Melton, M.Ed.
Elementary School Counselor
Our Educational system and many ways of teaching have come a long way. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) was once seen as something only the school social worker or counselors got involved with by visiting classrooms or pulling small groups. Both of these methods of teaching about social and emotional needs have their place and can be effective.
However, we all know that is not enough. Teachers have the children all day. Using The 5 Needs in Life materials as a part of the classroom can help teachers talk about the needs and the social emotional parts of each need while teaching many subjects, as opportunity arises. Many teachers I know do this so naturally, yet sometimes wish they had a little something to help them. We can help.
As The 5 Needs and social emotional learning becomes natural and integrated into the class environment and culture, everyone wins. We are social and emotional creatures. We need to see how to live in healthy ways alone and with others, as well as what happens when we do not.
Teachers are naturals! When teachers are able to work with counselors and other mental health professionals, students win and teachers also get the support they need.
Sometimes, separate group work is important, but seeds planted in the classroom can be nourished outside in groups or with individual work for students who need this as well.
If you would like some guidance in creating groups, contact Wendy at can share what has worked, and we can develop materials that will be useful for your specific situation’s.